On August 12, Veligera Capital hosted a meeting at a restaurant on Novy Arbat for its current and future investors.
The event was attended by 25 people. Over breakfast in a friendly atmosphere, our guests met the fund’s co-founders, Alexey Afanassievskiy and Dmitry Kartvelishvili. Analyst Oleg Kuzmin spoke in detail about Scopely’s upcoming Pre-IPO deal. Investors asked questions to the fund’s management.
The search and criteria for selecting companies for investment, transaction security, market trends, as well as the fund’s upcoming development plans were discussed during the meeting.
We plan to make such meetings with investors a good tradition. Don’t miss the announcements of the future events. Or email us and we will send you an invitation once the venue and time of the next event is determined.
You can learn more about the fund and the deals by emailing us at info@veligera.com messaging us on telegram: @veligera